Ive been using this nifty program for a while--even before it was bought out by McCalls. The current version has some benefits over the previous versions, but there are still quite a few things I wish would be implemented (focused on patterns, as whats what I primarily use it for):
It would be lovely to have look-ups for some fields that currently dont offer it. Brand (if youve got one Project Runway pattern, you probably have more), Body Type, Storage Location, and Size would be awesome, for example, as having to manually type them each time is annoying (especially when it comes to size, and especially when you have a lot of patterns).
In the vein of lookups, its also hard to scroll through to change the lookup type when youre trying to add a lookup to an existing category. The scroll is so limited that you have to do it in bursts, which gets annoying.
Furthermore, it would be helpful to make it more apparent where the lookups are to change, as the tutorials online dont point it out (as far as I could tell). I ultimately found them just by hitting every button I could find.
Previously, images had loaded when you entered the pattern number, then moved out of that field. Now, they dont seem to load until you save and exit the pattern, so you have to go back in to edit them. Having them load in the initial entry or adding a link/button to load from the applicable website would be great.
The delete mechanic is also a bit off. Right now, you hold your finger over the image until a delete option pops up, but Ive found it to be unreliable. Sometimes, itll give me the delete message. Sometimes, no matter how long I hold my finger over it, the delete option wont come up, but when I lift my finger itll change the image I was trying to delete to the active thumbnail. Id love to be able to just swipe to delete images again. I also really, really dont care for the flashing that the screen does when the delete message comes up.
Yardage Information:
Right now, yardage information from non-McCalls companies drops into Photos. It would be great to have the option to move it from Photos into Yardage Details, if it cant be scripted to determine it automatically.
That being said, its still a useful app, especially now that the worst of the crashing seems to have been resolved. The last couple of updates were a nightmare; I went months (and two updates) without being able to even open the app and finally deleted and reinstalled it in a frustrated attempt to resolve my problems. I hadnt realized that my database in Dropbox would be deleted at the same time, so Im currently in the process of repopulating all of my data, a process thats been going on for weeks.
Im complaining a lot, but its still an app I would recommend to sewists, especially those with large pattern collections. Entering them may be tedious, but the organization is super-useful when planning projects and scoping out what to pick up at pattern sales. Hopefully improvement will be a continuing process to further enhance its usability.