This app had amazing possibilities as a basic sewing organizational tool. I really need a place to organize my patterns, threads and projects. I only wish there were not so many technical problems. It appears to me the developers are only interested in creating more expensive versions instead of improving this product. I do not want to change to the Pro version. I want to be able to use this one without bugs. I get it that McCalls has some ownership here and I have to enter Simplicity pattern details and pictures manually - a very tedious chore. However, entering details manually is problematic. The screen rolls out of view when you type, making it difficult to enter data. When entering thread details, you cannot get below the third or fourth line. When you attempt to enter "thread type" the keyboard screen covers everything. If you hit done or the key to lower the keyboard screen, you are stuck in that screen. Rebooting the device is the only way out. This makes it kind of useless.
Nortonite767+++ about SewingKit HD, v3.05